Why Join SAMA

Join SAMA Today

Members-only benefits:

  • Most SAMA events are now only open to members, including plant tours.
  • Community network open forum, allowing members to rely on each other as resources, and receiving notifications such as job seekers with manufacturing experience.
  • Discounts on various resources provided by FloridaMakes. 

The purpose and objective of the Sarasota-Manatee Manufacturers Association is to encouraging economic development in the manufacturing sector of the Suncoast, and to act as a forum for the expression and exchange of ideas and information among its members. Our goal is to make a large, positive impact on the manufacturing community by bringing various resources to help manufacturers thrive. These resources include:

  • Advocacy
    • Representing manufacturers on the state and local legislative issues that impact our businesses and bottom lines, including:
      • The repeal of the Tangible Personal Property Tax
      • The elimination of the Florida Use Tax
      • Working for a Buy Florida Act
      • Promoting the repeal of sales tax on commercial leases
    • Building a collective understanding of manufacturing and its importance in the community.
      • Provide resources, including data, events and media outreach to amplify our voice.
      • Focus on the differentiators, i.e. higher average wage than most leading industries, including tourism and retail.
  • Workforce Development
    • Offering open enrollment and private training classes to upskill your staff (i.e. Leadership training, Lean Six Sigma certifications, etc.)
    • Working closely with our local colleges and universities to create training programs that will prepare graduates for careers in manufacturing.
    • Participating in educational roundtable discussions.
    • Apprenticeship Programs
    • Manufacturing Pipeline (Florida Advanced Technological Education (FLATE))
  • Networking
    • Discussing “Best Practices” with other manufacturers.
    • Offering educational events with expert-driven content.
    • Organizing plant tours of local manufacturers.
  • Business Advising
    • Partnering with FloridaMakes to offer free business assessments and evaluations for SRMA members.
    • Providing discounted rates on FloridaMakes third-party services.
    • Creating customized training tools.
  • Supply Chain Optimization
    • Connex Florida – helping Florida manufacturers better connect with each other, be discovered, and increase business opportunities.
  • Cybersecurity Education and Certifications
    • DOD requirements
      • Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC)
      • Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) 252.204-7021

Ready to join? Click HERE 

Contact Rob Harris for more information.

Manufacturer Sponsor:
Gold Business Partners: