FLATE was established in 2004 through a National Science Foundation (NSF) Advanced Technological Education (ATE) Center grant and funded to date with $10 million. FLATE is NSF’s Florida Regional Center of Excellence and is one of 26 ATE Centers across the country focused on improving science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education to meet the technician workforce needs of American advanced technological industries. FLATE has been recognized both locally and nationally for its innovative best practices in curriculum, outreach, and professional development.
Click here to watch the FLATE Impact Video
FLATE’s impact on its educational, industry, and workforce partners is captured in a variety of metrics. FLATE data comes from stakeholder and participant surveys, Florida Dept. of Education databases, various web statistics, anecdotal comments, and other sources. These define our activity successes and impact as well as provide feedback for process improvements.
- Created an industry defined/endorsed Engineering Technology (ET) AS Degree program (and model) approved by FLDOE in 2007
- Developed 32 curriculum frameworks for 20 certificates and 11 specializations of the degree
- Grew the ET AS degree program from 3 to 24 of the 28 Florida colleges in 2007
- Submitted three articulated high school frameworks to FLDOE, which is now offered to 510 schools
- Tracked ET AS degree and related programs student enrollment which has grown from 9 to 1,976 students (2007-2021)
- Awarded over $220,000 to ET degree awarding college partners for laboratory upgrades
- Developed statewide 15 credit-hour articulation agreement with MSSC-CPT for anyone enrolled in the ET Degree.
- Provided language for Career Academy legislation and testified before the Florida House and Senate subcommittees
- Awarded over $14 million in additional funding from NSF ATE for requested special projects
- Partnered as co-PIs with 3 USF PathTech targeted research grants for Engineering Technology pathways.
- Provided 69,840 hours of professional development to 43,150 educators and 16,475 manufacturing workforce and other personnel through events in Florida, nationally, and worldwide
Impacted over 77,605 Florida students and educators through 1,465 Made in Florida outreach campaign events since 2005.
- Introduced 31,740 students, 2,108 teachers,1,546 parents, and chaperones to 1,099 advanced manufacturing tour and outreach events in 50 Florida counties from 2013 to 2021
- Developed more than 47 Made in Florida industry-sourced, integrated STEM middle, and high school lesson plans
- Recognized 30 outstanding manufacturing educators and 17 industry supporters through the FLATE annual awards program
- Supported 1,712 middle and high school students in week-long summer STEM robotic camps since 2005
- Published eleven FLATE Best Practices guides for educational curriculum, outreach, and professional development
- Distributed the FLATE Focus Newsletter to stakeholders in the U.S. and 171 countries since 2009. From 2019 to August 2022, the newsletter was distributed to 59,354 individuals
- Disseminated over 441 online resources supporting STEM education focused on technology and engineering through MadeinFlorida.org, Flate.org, Flate.pbworks.com websites, and the FLATE Focus blog.
- Facilitated seamless articulations to Florida BSET and BAS degrees
- Participated in national advisory boards for CTE and STEM education including ATE Centers, the National Academy of Sciences, NAM, MSSC, NCPN, ACTE, and NCATC