MSSC credential aligned ET Degree
Engineering Technology Degree Alignment to Industry Validated Credentials
The Florida Department of Education in partnership with CareerSource review industry credentials - produce a list of approved industry credentials. Academic credentials are short term certificates that are part of an academic degree program.
The ET Core aligns with the Manufacturing Skills Standards Council Certified Production Technician (MSSC-CPT) national certification. The statewide articulation agreement provides 15 credit hours of the ET Core for anyone enrolling in the degree program and having a current CPT credential. Therefore, anyone in the country who holds a valid MSSC-CPT credential can graduate with the A.S. Engineering Technology degree after completing 45 instead of the required 60 credit hours.
“The AS/AAS Engineering Technology Degree represents a breath of fresh air for our College. With it and the direct help from FLATE we are able to respond to a local industry (Lockheed Martin, PorPoly Manufacturing) in an effective fashion. Frankly, our response to their needs would not have really met their needs if FLATE had not been there to help.”
— C. R. Dassance, President Central Florida Community College
ET Degree Pathways Diagram
FLATE ET Degree College Network
Industry, community colleges, FLATE, and the Florida Department of Education partnered to produce the Engineering Technology A.S. Degree Program. It has 3 major components: (I) general education; (II) an ET technical core; and, (III) specialization tracts that address regional industry needs. The ET Core aligns with the MSSC Certified Production Technician (CPT) national certification. A statewide articulation agreement provides 15 credit hours of the ET Core for anyone enrolling in the degree program and having a current CPT certification.
FLORIDA Curriculum Frameworks Documents:
This FLDOE Curriculum Frameworks are posted on their Manufacturing Cluster webpage and can be downloaded as .rtf files. The Framework documents define the standards and benchmarks (competencies) for each program. All college credit certificates are subsets of an Associate degree. All FLDOE Curriculum Frameworks are reviewed by an industry and educator panel every 3 years, and re-approved by the state articulating committee. The ET Degree Core, certificates and specialization track frameworks were reviewed in 2019-2020. Finalized updates will be posted in the following spring (2021)
Engineering Technology (AS – 1615000001) (RTF)
Engineering Technology Support Specialist (CCC – 0615000007) (RTF)
Advanced Manufacturing Specialization
Advanced Technology Specialization
Alternative Energy Specialization
Biomedical Systems Specialization
Digital Design and Modeling
Digital Manufacturing
Electronics Specialization
Mechanical Design and Fabrication Specialization
Protection and Control Technology Specialization
Quality Specialization
Supply Chain Automation
The Florida Department of Education compiles documents describing many degree and certificate programs. From Aerospace Technology to Simulation Technology and everything in between. Florida Department of Education
More Resources:
ET Statewide Articulation Agreement (This Statewide Agreement was first approved on Feb 27, 2008 by the Articulation Committee of the FLDOE as the first such statewide agreement in Florida. Colleges awarding the ET Degree had previously approved it. All future adopters of the ET Degree are bound by this agreement, which is reviewed annually by the FLDOE.)