Guiding & Operating Principles

These serve as the basis for reasoning, action, and organizational decision-making. These Guiding Principles show the way and direct the movements of our organization. We use these Principles as a filter (criteria) through which we analyze our projects and initiatives to determine whether we should invest time and other resources to accomplish them.

Does this meet FLATE’s ethical expectations?
FLATE expects professionalism in all FLATE related actions and activities; an honest commitment to FLATE’s principles; and declaration of apparent and avoidance of direct conflicts of interest.

Does this build upon and require strong teamwork to accomplish?

At FLATE we depend on teams comprised of staff, partners, and stakeholders to accomplish our mission. We benefit from the range of perspectives of multiple team members to devise the best and most workable solutions.

Does this enhance our ability to build bridges among academia and industry partners and stakeholders?

We believe in building and facilitating cooperative relationships and partnerships with industry, academia, and others with an interest in manufacturing and engineering technology education. Building mutual trust and respect among our stakeholders helps us focus and leverage FLATE’s resources to achieve our goals.

Does this ensure that the role of community colleges is valued and respected?

We believe that community colleges are a very effective and efficient channel for delivering manufacturing and engineering technology education programs. Their focus to provide current industry-driven post-secondary technical education provides FLATE with strong support for its unified curriculum goals.

Does this increase FLATE’s leadership in technical education in the State of Florida?

We strive for a unified technical education system with articulated pathways for manufacturing and engineering technology education. We believe that FLATE should be involved and contribute perspective, knowledge and experience at levels and in organizations where we can make a difference and affect positive changes.

Does this support our drive toward continuous improvement and augment our ability to be innovative in developing services and products for industry and education stakeholders?

We are dedicated to continuously improving manufacturing and engineering technology education. We believe that the only way to respond to the workforce capacity and skills needs of our stakeholders is to continuously monitor their needs and devise innovative ways to meet them.

Does this augment our aptitude for providing resources, opportunities, and access for student success?

We build and distribute tools, make relevant career information accessible, and provide resources for teachers. We believe that by working closely with educators we can improve student recruitment, retention and success in manufacturing education and career pathways.

FLATE’s Operating Principles

FLATE expects individuals directly or indirectly involved with FLATE to follow best accounting practices, exhibit ethical behavior, and demonstrate the highest respect for and support of a diverse workforce